What is Essential?

What is Essential?

The delivery man gives the bag from grocery store to the woman to her home

Written by Noemi Giszpenc, Executive Director

There are so many answers to this question. 

Air, water, sun, food, shelter are essential. And so many are denied them.

Safety, stability, security are essential. And so many are denied them. 

Liberty, freedom, self-determination, agency are essential. And so many are denied them.

Love is essential. And it can move us to ensure that no one is denied their essential needs. 

At the foundation of democracy is the belief that everyone matters. Everyone is essential. We cannot function as if some people don’t matter. To do so undermines everyone’s hold on living a good life. 

If I am scared of tumbling down the economic ladder, of losing access to healthcare, or losing my house, or my kids — if this is a reality I must defend against — what does that do to me? What choices does it force me to make? How are we all poorer as a result?

A good life is not a zero-sum game, it’s the opposite. The better I live my life, the better everyone around me can live their lives. My family, my community, my society will be stronger because I am stronger. 

It is essential that we understand this, finally. 

Cooperatives and allies in the solidarity economy movement are working to build a strong, equitable economy. At CDI, we live and practice the belief that not only are we stronger together, but we cannot be our best unless everyone is capable of living a good life. We help individuals, groups, and communities become stronger, better able to determine their destiny and fulfill their needs and aspirations. We are working toward a vision of a shared prosperity where such essential capacities are available to all. 

Because every person matters, cooperation is essential. I cannot decide for you what you need. But I can decide with you what we both need. 

Right now, CDI needs you. We need to expand what we offer our clients. We need to be heard in the halls of power. We need to use this moment of stark unveiling to show not just the shameful disaster of inequity, but the vibrant promise of democracy and cooperation. 

If you can, and if you need things to change, please join us in our essential work. Together in partnership, we will be the change. 

Thank you.