“Rock City Coffee workers to become business owners” in VillageSoup

CDI helped Rock City Coffee, a beloved Rockland business, become a worker-owned cooperative. The sale was finalized on March 9, 2018, and press was there to tell the story. This Village Soup story features one of our favorite quotes ever by a new cooperative worker-owner. Check it out and read the full story here at Village Soup.

“The pending sale of Rock City Coffee and Rock City Coffee Roasters to their workers will assure the continuation of the longtime downtown businesses.

Susanne Ward, who founded the companies 26 years ago with her late partner, Patrick Reilley, said she is thrilled that she can sell them to the dedicated employees who will see that the businesses remain an important part of the community…

One of the cooperative members is Dave Butler, who serves as treasurer of the cooperative board. ‘It’s a trip. I started at the bottom, making coffee and cleaning toilets. Now I will still be doing that, but I will own the toilets,’ Butler said.”