CDI’s Rob Brown Selected for the Democracy at Work Institute’s “Cooperative Developer Fellowship”

Rob Brown

Our own Rob Brown, founder and director of the Business Ownership Solutions program at CDI, has been selected as one of 10 Fellows in the first cohort of Democracy at Work Institute Cooperative Developer Fellowships. We’re tremendously proud and honored! Also, we can’t wait to share in the wealth of networks and insights that working with DAWI and the other Fellows will bring to Rob. The Fellowship is a chance to think big about taking our work to scale, which is exactly what we are eager to do.

“I’m really excited to have a chance to work closely with a small, committed group of people from around the country who are thinking through and trying to solve the same challenges I’m working on in Maine,” Rob says. “Developing successful worker-owned businesses will create good jobs and broaden ownership of wealth, and this Fellowship Program will take that effort to a whole new level.”

Many, many thanks to DAWI and its supporters for making the Fellowship program possible. Here’s to the difference we’ll be able to make as we strengthen our networks and expand our skills!