reRoute: Building Youth and Student Power for a New Economy, July 19-21, New York City

Announcing reRoute: Building Youth and Student Power for a New Economy

This summer join a diverse new generation of practitioners and organizers from across the US and Canada to share strategies, tools, and stories about our work creating a solidarity economy from the ground up in our communities and on our campuses. reRoute: Building Youth and Student Power for a New Economy will bring together under-40 activists dedicated to systemic change for three days, July 19-21 at New York University. 

The event is sliding scale and scholarships are available. Housing deadline is June 12th. You can learn more at www.neweconomicsinstitute/reroute or by emailing

Full convergence program TBA but confirmed panels and workshops include:
*Pathways to a New Economy
with David Woods, Institute for Responsible Investment; Maliha Safiri, US Solidarity Economy Network; Alexa Bradley, On the Commons; Ed Whitfield, Fund for Democratic Communities, moderated by Atlee McFellin, Symcenter
*Making a Living in the New Economy
with Elandria Williams, Highlander Center; Farah Tanis, Black Women’s Blueprint; Jessie Reilly, TimebanksNYC; Juliet Schor, Boston College, moderated by Joshua Stephens, NYC-based co-op developer
*Financing a New Economy
with Deyanira del Rio, Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project; Steve Wong, the Working World; Lauren Ressler, Responsible Endowments Coalition, moderated by Kenneth Edusei, SolidarityNYC
*Teaching and Learning a New Economics
with Renaud Girac, University of Quebec; Brian Kelly, US Society for Ecological Economics; Olivia Geiger, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, moderated by Keith Harrington, New School
*Success Stories from the New Economics Institute Campus Network
with Sachie Hopkins Hayakawa, Swarthmore Mountain Justice; Marcie Hawkins-Smith, North Carolina Student New Economy Coalition; Joel Williams, the Oak Tree Spokane; David Porinchok, Northern Arizona University Action Research Program, moderated by Farhad Ebrahimi, The Chorus Foundation

Fossil Fuel Divestment and Beyond â€“ Responsible Endowments Coalition
Possibilities For Participatory Budgeting â€“ Participatory Budgeting Greensboro
Food Justice and The New Economy â€“ CoFED and Mariposa Food Co-op
Building Political Power for a New Economy– SolidarityNYC/Philadelphia 
Co-op Alliance
Can The Economics Curriculum Be Reformed?  Lessons From Activists In France and Quebec â€“ PEPS / Horizons Economiques
Universities As Anchors For A Sustainable And Just Food Economy â€“ Real Food Challenge
Mapping The New Economy â€“ Shareable/Data Commons Project/Solidarity NYC
How To Start A Worker Co-op â€“ Cooperative Development Institute
Non-hierarchical Staffing Structures â€“ North American Students Of Cooperation
Bringing Solidarity Home: creating alternative housing economies through 
cooperative living â€“ NASCO
Timebanks From New York to California – Timebanks NYC/Bay Area Community Exchange
Cooperative and Democratic Leadership–AORTA
We’ll also be offering solidarity economy tours of Brooklyn on Friday.