Regional Gatherings – NEROC VT

On Saturday, October 5, 2019, the Vermont team of New England Resident Owned Communities (NEROC) hosted a half-day training for board and co-op members from seven VT ROC communities. Attendees were treated to a legal workshop with Steve Kantor, Esq., who covered topics including: processes for handling non-payment of rent and rule violations, dealing with abandoned homes, reviewing membership applications, and various other topics raised in the Q&A. Attendees also enjoyed a workshop for involving community members in co-op operations and governance to promote greater democracy and help board members avoid burnout.

Representatives from the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity, the United States Department of Agriculture, Champlain Housing Trust, and the Vermont Rural Water District were on hand to offer advice, expertise, and support for the Resident Owned Communities of Vermont.

Vermont elected officials, including Senate President Pro Tempore Tim Ashe, Senator Virginia Lyons, Representative Carol Ode, and Representative Anne Donahue were present and shared their experiences and efforts to spur expansion and support for Resident Owned Communities in the Green Mountain state. It was a great event that allowed for community building, networking, and leadership skills development.

Weston ROC members, with CDI staffer Annik Paul.