CDI’s Work: “Rare and Empowering”

In an effort to help people better understand what CDI does – and why our work is so crucial – we turned to the best asset we have. Our staff. The people who work at CDI are, if we may say so ourselves, brilliant at and passionate about what they do. They’re also proud of their work, and we wanted to share their reasons why. Below is the voice of Maureen Carroll, a Housing Program Organizer under CDI’s NEROC Program and a Cooperative Development Specialist:

“It’s completely self-serving of me, to have become involved in, and endeavor to aid CDI in success of its mission through various projects. I am driven to facilitate the success of others, and this is CDI’s purpose. Being a part of CDI gels with my personal ethos and professional direction. The transformation that CDI enables other people and organizations to realize is powerful, and being a part of that is a deep honor. Through education, technical assistance and strategic planning, CDI facilitates success on the client’s terms and through the client’s actions. That’s rare and empowering stuff.”