The Progressive Caucus of the New York City Council is Hiring

Do you live in NYC and have an interest in creating change at the legislative level?  Are the cooperative movement and more just economic policies important to you? The Progressive Caucus of the New York City Council is looking for a full-time Coordinator to facilitate the operations of the Caucus! This individual will be hired by the Caucus as a whole, and will be an employee of the New York City Council.

New York City has been experiencing some exciting developments at the legislative level in the realms of the new economy and the cooperative movement.  This important position opening up at the City Council level provides an excellent opportunity to continue to push the cooperative movement and progressive issues in NYC.  The position will allow for policy work, movement building, advocacy, and communications, just to name a few of the elements of the job.  For more information on the job posting, and to apply, you can check out the full listing here.