NYC Bookkeeping Co-op startup looking for new members

A Bookkeeping Cooperative (ABC) is looking for two experienced bookkeepers or accountants based in NYC to bring our start-up cooperative to a higher level. We are a worker-owned cooperative that offers day-to-day bookkeeping services to cooperatives, non-profits, social justice endeavors, alternative healthcare practitioners and small community-based businesses. We offer:

– Full charge bookkeeping services
– Quickbooks set-up and troubleshooting
– Liaising with accountants for tax reporting
– Bookkeeping and financial literacy training for our clients
– Other day-to-day operations for our clients (paying bills, filing, etc.)

We are looking for a rockstar bookkeeper or accountant to take on an average of 4-10 hours of work a week and who is interested in democracy at work. This person should be able to meet bi-weekly for cooperative development discussions. We are looking for someone who has 1-3 years experience at a minimum doing bookkeeping or accounting. Any of the below would be bonuses:

– Bi-lingual (Spanish and English)
– A network of referrals for business services, and ability to bring on new clients
– Flexible schedule to cover clients in the NYC area while fellow members are sick or on vacation
– Interested in project management in website development (for us), payroll processing (for our clients and for us), incorporation (for us)
– Commitment to building a new business, cooperatively, and ability to contribute to sweat equity hours after your 6 month trial (300 hours in the first 2 years, about 15 hours a month)

We can offer:

– Bookkeeping work: many flexible part-time jobs (~4-15 hours/week starting from our current and growing client base)
– A knowledge base of best practices in bookkeeping for co-ops and non-profits, radical HR, and tax law, that we want you to help build and contribute to
– A good wage, and an opportunity to co-own the business and share profit
– Community: you don’t have to be a lonely freelancer anymore – we continually become better bookkeepers from communicating and sharing ideas and jobs
– A prize-winning business plan to guarantee our success

We are working towards offering benefits and profit sharing. Any unbilled time you spend on business development would be considered “love” to this endeavor and count toward sweat equity.

The cooperative track is a 6-month trial period with an affordable and/or pay over time buy-in. The co-op has two founding members and a DAWN intern.

Please submit resumes and a letter describing why you would be a perfect match to