Job Posting: Interim Executive Director

CDI is seeking an experienced and flexible leader with non-profit and cooperative experience to serve as Interim Executive Director!

Our current Executive Director has served us steadfastly for 13 years, transitioning a small handful of staff to an organization with multiple program areas and 27 staff. We are looking to a future of sustainable growth as we continue to serve the cooperative economy in our region.

As Interim, you will shepherd our organization through a transitional period of about 6-12 months. During this time CDI staff & board will search for a permanent Executive Director to begin the Summer or Fall of 2023. The Interim Executive Director will have the guidance and support of the CDI Board and staff for their entire tenure. Their role will be to keep the organization stable, focused, and productive until a permanent new Executive Director is hired. The Interim Executive Director will ideally have about a month of time overlapping with our outgoing Executive Director.

Please read the full job description for a detailed list of qualifications as well as more information about the transition and this specific role.

Interested? Please fill out the application form below. Priority will be given to applications received by August 1.