Free NGFN Webinar Thursday: “It’s Viable … Now What? From Feasibility Study to Business Plan”

National Good Food Network Webinar
It’s Viable … Now What?
From Feasibility Study to Business Plan
Thursday, January 26
3:30 – 4:45pm ET
Free! Register Now

When considering creating a business, most often the first step is to conduct a feasibility study. Designed to establish if a business opportunity exists, a completed feasibility study does not determine how you intend to exploit that opportunity. That process, and eventual document, is the domain of the business plan.

This webinar will illustrate, by examples and discussion,how to move from a positive feasibility study to a full business plan, and financing the operation. We will have a food hub example, and a food processing center example. Our panelists have many years of business experience, so expect several other mini-examples to come up.

We have designed the presentation especially for those considering creating a new business in the food value chain, or involved in counseling those who do. As always, there will be time for questions for our panel.

This is webinar is in some ways a companion to our Sept. 30, 2010 webinar. Watch the recording of that webinar.

Reserve your spot – click here

Carol Coren
Cornerstone Ventures

John Waite
Franklin County Community Development Corporation

Jim Epstein
Blue Ridge Produce

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