Apply for the Democracy at Work Network!

The US Federation of Worker Cooperatives/Democracy at Work Institute is now accepting applications for the 2013 DAWN Peer Advisor Training.
The Democracy at Work Network (DAWN) is a network of certified peer advisors, all with strong social and professional ties, who cooperate in training themselves and providing technical assistance services to worker cooperatives.
More about the peer advising training:
DAWN apprentice training includes:
          2 in-person training weekends
          10 2-hourlong webinars
          Internship with a cooperative development organization or in a guided peer advising project
          Research project to build the DAWN models library
Cost of the training: $300 (scholarship funds are available upon application) + travel (travel subsidies are available). Apply for scholarship after acceptance.
Upon completion of the training, apprentices may become journeyperson Peer Advisors, offering peer advising to other worker cooperatives, startups, and cooperative development organizations through DAWN.
Application deadline: October 22, 2012.
Please apply and post widely!
Thank you,
Melissa Hoover, Executive Director
US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
PO Box 170701
San Francisco, CA  94117