A New Beginning: ED Noemi Giszpenc to step away after 13 great years

A Letter from CDI’s Executive Director


Noemi GiszpencDear friends, collaborators, colleagues, donors, and CDI community,

Three years ago, I announced my intention to leave my role as Executive Director. I write to you today to announce that we are now moving forward with this transition. CDI is now ready to engage an Interim Director to steer the ship as we search for a new leader. The Interim and I will work together as I close out my tenure this September. Please take a look at the Interim Director job listing, I invite you to share it with your networks.


I have held and cared for the Cooperative Development Institute for 13 years. I have watched it grow from a gangly teenagerNoemi Giszpenc presenting on a panel at the 2018 Cooperative Impact Conference, along with Alex Stone, Kim Coontz, Jan Sage, and Stuart Reid with promise to an active, accomplished, powerhouse twenty-something. My heart brims with pride at what we are doing together: transforming people’s lives through cooperative ownership of their homes, livelihoods, and essential services. This basic building block of power-with, rather than power-over, exercised with neighbors, co-workers, and partners, is the seed from which a just, healthy, and joyful economy and society can grow. 

CDI is leading the way as our nation begins to see a path through and out from under cascading crises of food, care, housing, and jobs, and toward values-based democratic ownership. And right now, CDI needs a leader with renewed vision, energy, and skills to help it meet this moment. And I need to get some rest!

So, with a touch of sadness, but mostly with great love for CDI and each and every staff member, board member, client and partner, I am moving on from my role as Executive Director at CDI. I will stay in the cooperative movement, and after a well-deserved break, continue to contribute all that I can. Thank you to all who work for a better world in which we can all thrive. Together we labor for the world in which we want to live.


We will be celebrating Noemi’s contributions to CDI as she embarks on her next chapter starting in September. We look forward to reflecting more with our supporters and partners on how we’ve grown over the past 13 years of her tenure.

Until then, CDI is looking for an Interim Director to collaborate with staff and board and steer us towards the future as we select our next leader. 

Apply today for the Interim Director position or share the job listing with your network.

Staff & board at CDI’s winter retreat in 2019. Noemi center left in red.