2012 Upstate NY Cooperatives Summit

The 2012 Upstate Cooperatives Summit will be in Syracuse, NY on Saturday, March 31st. The event is free or very low cost, open to the public, and is primarily being hosted by Syracuse-based Cooperative Federal Credit Union and the Onondaga Small Business Development Center. All sectors of the cooperative economy are invited, though cooperatives for job creation is probably the primary motivation of organizing the event.

If you are interested, please register or sign up on the website’s mailing list for more information, and please spread the word. The event is also looking for sponsors to purchase advertising space in printed materials.

The schedule of speakers is still growing, and currently includes the following, with lunch provided and plenty of time for networking:

The Big Picture: The Cleveland Evergreen Model and Community Wealth Building
Steve Dubb, The Democracy Collaborative

The Story of Local Cooperatives
Ron Eherenreich, Cooperative Federal Credit Union
Travis Hance, Syracuse Real Foods Co-op
Naquia Edwards, Eat to Live Food Co-op

How to Legally Start a Cooperative
Deborah Kenn, Syracuse University College of Law
Jason Hirata, Syracuse University College of Law

Observations on Successful Cooperatives
Brian Henehan, Cornell Cooperative Enterprise Program

How Worker Cooperatives Work
Joe Marraffino, Democracy at Work Network

Using Media to Raise Capital
Bob Proehl, Buffalo Street Books

Rochdale Principle Six: Cooperatives Developing More Cooperatives
Howie Hawkins, South Side Community Coalition

Thanks and hope to see you there!