4/12: “How to Talk Cooperative!” free training session

How to Talk Cooperative!

Learn how to conduct informal, effective, small-group presentations about the benefits of Co-ops in your community and beyond

– Consolidate your knowledge of Cooperatives

– Add Co-op to your development expertise

– Develop your speaking and meeting skills

– Grow the Cooperative Movement

– Convey your passion!

Thursday, April 12, 2012, 9:30am to 3:30pm. Lunch provided.

West Room, Viles Arboretum, 153 Hospital St., Augusta, ME

Reservations only, in advance: 207-525-7776 or

jmurphy@gwi.net for reservations, questions, directions

Welcome to a free, enjoyable training session for future speakers about co-ops. This guided instruction is for anyone wishing to develop skills in this area. Learn to speak confidently and competently about:

  • What are Cooperatives? What is their history?
  • Why the Cooperative Difference Matters
  • Types of Cooperatives and hybrids
  • Values and Principles that inspire Co-ops
  • Examples of successful Co-ops
  • Bylaws and governance
  • Extent and diversity of the global movement
  • Handling FAQs and resources
  • Assistance with planning your presentation

Help your community to Celebrate: 2012 is the International Year of Cooperatives!!


Lynda Brushett, Cooperative Development Institute

Jane Livingston, Cooperative Maine & Cooperative Development Institute