Donate to the Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy! $2500 matching grant opportunity

By now, I hope that you’re aware that the Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy–the high-energy, information-packed biennial eastern region worker co-op conference–will be held at Drexel University in Philadelphia July 26th-28th.

In order to make a grant match, we’re raising money in amounts of $100 or less from individuals, co-ops, and organizations.  Fund 4 Democratic Communities, a nonprofit in Greensboro, NC, has committed  $2500 for the conference if we can match that amount.  To do this, we need as many people as possible to pitch in at on  

ECWD’s nonprofit fiduciary is EDINA.  If you’d prefer to send a check, make it out to EDINA/ECWD 13 and mail it to ECWD / 463 Lincoln Place #126 / Brooklyn, NY 11238-6201.

If you know of others who may be willing to help with this, please forward this information to them.  

Mary Hoyer
ECWD Advisor
Amherst, MA 

The Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy will be held from July 26th-28th at Drexel University in Philadelphia PA. This year’s theme “Growing Our Cooperatives, Growing Our Communities” will examine strategies to maximize growth and development inside of cooperatives and in the cooperative movement while maintaining cooperatives’ democratic values. 
In addition to the a full slate of workshops, discussions and panels and on cooperative mechanics, development and finances from expert developers and worker-owners from across the country this year’s conference will feature workshops such as: 
•Planning for Development: Strategic Planning and Goal Setting in the cooperative context 
•Scaling Democracy: Transitioning between structures to maintain workplace democracy 
•Changing States: Moving from “maintenance” to development in an established cooperative