Webinar: Improving Your Cooperative’s Annual Meeting

Please forward this information on to all of your cooperative contacts and/or state council contacts.
Please join us for a FREE Webinar!
“Improving Your Cooperative’s Annual Meeting”
When: Thursday, June 13, 2013
4:00-5:00 pm ET/3:00-4:00 pm CT/2:00-3:00 pm MT/1:00 pm-2:00 pm PT
Most cooperative bylaws require an annual meeting. Your annual meeting can be a routine formality or it can be your major promotional event that stimulates good will and membership understanding. OnThursday, June 13 from 3:00-4:00 pm Central Time (CT), the eXtension Cooperatives Community of Practice, in conjunction with USDA Rural Development Cooperative Programs and various state Cooperative Councils, will host a free webinar on improving annual meetings. Cooperative managers, employees, board members, and other stakeholders involved with planning and implementing your annual meeting are invited.
A panel of experts from various cooperative industry sectors will give their perspectives on how to improve your annual meeting. All of the speakers will take part in a discussion session responding to your questions as well discussing timely topics, including:
*     What is the best venue and format?
*     How to fill the room with active members!
*     How to create a culture of excitement!
*     Classic annual meeting mistakes to avoid!
Panel: David Swank, CEO, Central Rural Electric Cooperative, Stillwater, OK; Brian Ingulsrud, Vice President of Administration, American Crystal Sugar Company, Moorhead, MN; Tommy Engleke, Executive Vice President, Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council
Moderator: Phil Kenkel, Bill Fitzwater Cooperative Chair, Oklahoma State University
Webinar Link: https://connect.extension.iastate.edu/cooperatives (Enter as guest.)
Participants who pre-register by contacting phil.kenkel@okstate.edu will receive a copy of the presentation material and discussion summary.