CDI Stands in Solidarity

Silhouette profile group of men women and girl of diverse culture. Diversity multi-ethnic and multiracial people. Racial equality and anti-racism. Multicultural society. Friendship

CDI centers our work in collective liberation. 

Collective liberation recognizes that we all suffer under systems of oppression and systemic racism, and only by working together can we create safe communities where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. 

Historically, Asian Americans have been discriminated against in numerous ways. During the pandemic they have been the target of racism, xenophobia, and violence. 

We are outraged and saddened by the tragic events in Georgia, and we hold the victims and grieving loved ones close to our hearts.

White supremacy creates anti-Black, anti-Asian and anti-Indigenous narratives. It is rooted in a racist logic of exploitation and violence against non-white communities. We can and must stand for freedom and justice for all peoples. There are resources available to join the collaborative fight against these systems. **WARNING: Some of the content included in these resource listings may be triggering.**

Below we’ve compiled a (non-exhaustive) list of organizations, movements, and funds specifically supporting the Asian American community and encourage you to take action in supporting these groups. 


CDI stands for democracy and respect and we stand against violence. We stand not just against the acute violence of guns, but against the everyday violence of low wages, exorbitant rent, and inaccessible food. We stand against racism and against misogyny. CDI stands for a better way.

CDI stands in solidarity with AAPI communities.