The Year of Big Visions: CDI’s 2016 Annual Report

Download CDI’s 2016 Annual Report.

For over twenty years, the Cooperative Development Institute has been a leader in democratizing and transforming our region’s economy. We’ve helped create over 120 new cooperatives in every sector and state in the Northeast. We’re proud of that—but this past year, we’ve set our sights higher.

Sounds great—but can we get there from here? We believe we can. Here’s how.

Last year was the year of the sectoral strategy. We built on the energy in the air for addressing inequality and focused on food systems, housing, business conversions, co-ops for Native Americans and New Americans, and arts. Each of these initiatives moved forward significantly in 2016, and worked collaboratively to hone a vision for the future. In 2017 and beyond, our focus will be on embedding co-ops in the positive visions people hold for a prosperous, equitable economy, and bringing top-quality support for individual enterprises, networks, and surrounding ecosystem change.

Download CDI’s 2016 Annual Report.