Thank You Kathleen; Welcome David!

Kathleen Fekete Bauerlein, Office Manager
Kathleen Fekete Bauerlein, who helped make CDI into what it is today.

CDI’s longtime Office Manager, Kathleen Fekete Bauerlein, headed off to a well-earned retirement at the end of May. She was with CDI since 2004, providing constant support and structure to staff, clients and partners alike. One day she claimed at a meeting that she was “in the background,” to which we replied, “yes, the way a spinal column is in the background.” We send our warmest wishes for relaxation, enjoyment and peace to our beloved Kathleen!

David Gowler, CDI Office Manager. Photo by Kathleen Fekete Bauerlein, BFA Photography
David Gowler, CDI Office Manager. Photo by Kathleen Fekete Bauerlein, BFA Photography

And while we will miss Kathleen, our organization is fortunate to not be missing a beat when it comes to administrative systems. Our newest hire, David Gowler, comes from a background of organizing–in both the political and the management sense. We’re excited to welcome David as our new Office Manager, or “Admin Systems Impresario”, a more dynamic title for a position that does not lack in drama. David is one of the founders of the River Valley Market food co-op in Northampton, MA, as well as Valley Free Radio. He is currently serving on the steering committee of the Holyoke Community Market food co-op start-up and as chairperson of the Local Spiritual Assembly-Baha’is of Holyoke. We trust that David will bring his characteristic warmth, caring, intelligence and energy to the role and invite all of you to join us in extending a hearty welcome.