Ask Co-op Cathy: How can I find listings for housing co-ops and shared living spaces open to new members?

Cathy-SmallMeet Cathy, the Cooperative Development Institute’s new answerwoman! She can take on any co-op questions you might have, big or small. Today we address the submitted question: “How can I find listings for housing co-ops and shared living spaces open to new members?” See all of Cathy’s answers and ask your own on her home page.

If you’re looking for housing and shared-living cooperatives that are open to new members, you’re in luck! The Fellowship for International Community has a great set of resources, including a world-wide map of intentional communities and a comprehensive listing.

The map, as of April 2015.
The map, as of April 2015.

According to their website, the Fellowship ‘nurtures connections and cooperation among communitarians and their friends. FIC is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit that provides publications, referrals, support services, and sharing opportunities for a wide range of intentional communities, cohousing groups, ecovillages, community networks, support organizations, and people seeking a home in community.’

You can find out a lot more about co-op living and intentional communities on their site! And to learn more about cooperative housing and shared living spaces, check out this Co-op Cathy article: “What are the types of housing co-ops and other shared housing models?”

Update: Our friends at the North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO) reminded us that they too have a great map and directory of their housing cooperative membership. Their website is also a wonderful hub for all kinds of housing cooperative topics – check out their in-depth “Shared Resource Library.”

NASCO’s membership map, as of April 2015

Update 2: Raines Cohen of Cohousing Coaches wrote to say: “It’s a great start, but the Directory from Fellowship for Intentional Community is just the tip of the iceberg. Many group houses in particular aren’t organized enough to list or don’t want to be public, so there’s no substitute for building on-the-ground relationships… And #cohousing neighborhoods… so many options.”

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