Cooperative Development Institute: Year in Review 2014


2014 was a momentous year for the Cooperative Development Institute. Of course, we couldn’t have done it without you: our supporters and our community. That’s why we wanted to give you a recap of everything we accomplished together. In 2014, our work ranged from transforming manufactured home communities into resident-owned communities while also penning viral stories that laid out strategies for expanding the cooperative movement. We even redesigned our website and launched a “co-op answer series” that has been used across the nation. CDI grew our own organization, bringing on new staff and board members (and said thank you to some departing ones as well) while using donors’ funding to launch and improve cooperatives in sectors and industries such as housing, worker, grocery, farms, and fisheries.

At the same time, we spent the year doing outreach and education for cooperatives in community centers as well as online by running workshops and webinars. Finally, CDI’s efforts of cultivating the cooperative movement reached across the entire geography of the Northeast: we helped transition three businesses in Maine into the state’s largest worker-owned cooperative while laying the groundwork for a Jersey City based co-op exhibit in February of 2015. Just opened, this exhibit is celebrating the history of African diaspora cooperative economics through art and culture.

And so we invite you to read our Year in Review of 2014 – a year that we won’t soon forget.

Table of Contents:

We of course want to build upon our successes in 2014, expanding our reach and impact for the cooperative movement in 2015. Will you donate to help us make that happen, or get in touch about collaborating?

Thanks for reading. Here’s to building a new economy together.