Cooperation Works! – And So Does Our Network

cw_logoEarly in CDI’s history, we were part of forming a national network of our peers, cooperative development centers and practitioners throughout the United States. Cooperation Works!, named after the book by E.G. Nadeau and David Thompson, provides professional development training and ongoing peer support for people engaged in cooperative development. As co-op development becomes an ever more popular and attractive option for community developers, economic development professionals, and politicians, the importance of training and peer support tailored to meet the needs of this growing set of activists and professionals grows as well.

At CW!’s recent Spring meeting in Davis, CA, CDI Executive Director Noemi Giszpenc engaged with co-op developers eager to produce new tools, reach out to new audiences, and build stronger infrastructure. A Davis City Councillor, Lucas Frerichs, who serves on the Board of the California Center for Cooperative Development, presented CW! with a Proclamation in recognition of the network. It’s a good feeling to know that we are part of a nationwide movement filled with intelligent, passionate, and grounded people.