North American Students of Cooperation is Hiring. Is this the job for you?

Exciting news, another great job opportunity has been posted! Do you want to help grow the cooperative movement? Is connecting students to cooperative ethics, practices and principles something you think is essential and important?  Are you Chicago based, or interested in moving to the windy city?

If so, there is a great opening that could have your name on it. NASCO, the North American Students of Cooperation, is looking to hire a Director of Operations.  According to the job posting:


The Director of Operations is responsible for coordinating member services and communications to NASCO’s members, including visits, elections, dues, and the NASCO Annual General Meeting and Annual Report. The Director of Operations also serves as the staff liaison to the NASCO Personnel Committee and leads the staff in implementing tasks delegated by NASCO Personnel Committee to pursue staffing, management, and operational improvements. The Director of Operations also serves as the NASCO Personnel Supervisor with primary responsibility for performing evaluations of each NASCO Staff Collective member, authoring recommended changes to staffing, the coordination and reporting of staff workloads, and the maintenance of a staff Operational Plan. This position will serve as the Staff Liaison to the NASCO Executive Committee and the NASCO Family Personnel Committee.


This is a great opportunity at an exciting organization.  Apply to this job if you’re interested or pass it on to others that you think would be good candidates.  Read the full details and how to apply here.