Center for Family Life in Sunset Park, Brooklyn is Hiring a Co-op Developer!

Did you hear that? It’s your dream job calling. Yes, another co-op development organization is hiring. The co-op movement is on the rise in the East Coast! The Center for Family Life is looking for a passionate and experienced co-op developer to join their team. According to CFL’s website:

The Center for Family Life in Sunset Park promotes and supports the founding of cooperative businesses as part of our community development initiative. Our mission is to provide support and consultation services to worker-owner cooperatives based on principles of social justice, equality, and democracy. We focus on helping to develop cooperatives that focus on fair wages, safe working conditions, and  respect for the environment. Under the auspices of our Adult Employment Program, we have partnered with community members and incubated eight worker cooperatives and one collective since June 2006.  Our work has received recognition by Speaker Christine Quinn, the GEO Collective, and the United  Nations 2012 Year of the Cooperatives. In 2012 with the assistance of NY City Council we began to train  Community Based Organizations to develop a cooperative incubation program at their respective sites.

What are you waiting for? Download the job description and application here (PDF)!