Cabot’s Campaign for Volunteerism: The Seventh Co-op Principle in Action

imagesIn Cabot’s most recent newsletter, they are talking the talk and walking the walk when it comes to volunteerism.  Whether you are an individual, company, non-profit, or co-op, Cabot is launching a volunteer rewards program app in order to support those who are hoping to better their communities through volunteerism.  In addition to the many health benefits that Cabot lists that result from volunteering, Cabot’s app will allow individuals and organizations to track volunteer hours, and become eligible for cash and prizes.  Cabot isn’t stopping there, though; starting in May, Cabot will begin its 2014 Cabot Community Tour, which starts in Jacksonville, FL. The Community Tour will travel more than 1,000 miles along the East Coast Greenway to help strengthen communities, promote cooperatives and honor volunteerism. The Tour will make its way north with stops in local towns and cities all along the way.  The tour will be comprised of a team of cyclists (who will be riding the entire route), a caravan of volunteers, and the Cabot Farmers’ Gratitude Grille – a state-of-the art mobile kitchen, designed to feed volunteers as they support various charities and non-profits all along the Tour. Cheers to Cabot for embodying the Seventh Cooperative Principle: “Concern for Community”.