What is WISP?

CDI has worked with manufactured homeowners across New England since 2009, helping them cooperatively purchase and democratically manage their neighborhoods. CDI’s Water Infrastructure Support Program (WISP) helps both resident- and nonprofit-owned communities access funding to build safe and reliable water and wastewater infrastructure.

Manufactured-home communities are an essential source of affordable housing for New England. But often their infrastructure is at the end of its useful lifespan, so major investment is needed to sustain these affordable communities for the long term.

WISP bridges the gap between the water infrastructure funding world, traditionally geared toward municipalities, and Manufactured-home communities. This program providesย FREE technical and managerial supportย to connect eligible Manufactured-home communities across New England with available funding sources, including from the USDA Rural Development agency.

What services are offered?


  • Assess existing technical, managerial and financial condition
  • Report findings and make recommendations
  • Draft policies and procedures


  • Environmental Review
  • Permitting Assistance
  • Preliminary engineering and final design


  • Identify funding sources
  • Help to apply for funding
  • Financial planning and project sequencing


  • Disbursement support
  • Funding requirement compliance
  • Capital improvement planning

Who is eligible?

To be eligible, the MHC in New England must be

CDI can quickly determine if your MHC is eligible when you request assistance below.

Meet the WISP Team

Jeremiah Ward, Director of WISP

Email: jward@glnewsite.com

Jeremiah Ward is the WISP Program Director at CDI. Before taking the lead on WISP, Jeremiah served as a Cooperative Development Specialist under CDIโ€™sย NEROC Program for 12 years. He has managed several resident owned community (ROC) acquisitions and is skilled at both managing highly technical real estate development work and adept at resident organizing, which requires building trust and clearly communicating complex information so residents can be successful owners of their newly formed business. Jeremiah has also served as project manager for a number of infrastructure replacement projects at various ROCs and he specializes in manufactured home infill and replacement.ย  Prior to working with CDI, Jeremiah earned an M.A. in Community Development and Planning from Clark University with a focus on cooperative development.

Annik Paul, WISP Program Associate

Email: apaul@glnewsite.com

Annik Paul is a Program Associate at WISP. She holds a Masterโ€™s degree in Sustainable Development from SIT Graduate Institute and a Bachelorโ€™s in Accounting and Finance from Worcester State University. Prior to joining WISP, she held many roles while working in the manufactured housing sector including advocating for residents rights, providing pre- and post-purchase technical assistance to resident owned communities, and supportive roles such as team manager. Prior to joining CDI, Annik worked as a Relationship Manager for ROC USA. She is passionate about preserving affordable housing. Annik lives in Jeffersonville, Vermont with her dog Fluffernutter. In her free time she enjoys gardening, seeing live music, and spending time on/in/near water.